Welcome to Ohio Harness Horsemen’s Association

Political Action Committee for Equine Racing

The Political Action Committee for Equine Racing (P.A.C.E.R.) helps the OHHA to support legislative quests for expanding gambling and other issues that could positively impact Ohio harness racing. PACER keeps Ohio harness racing in stride heading towards the future.

We encourage our members donate to PACER!

[Cash donations are gratefully accepted under $100. Checks are accepted and made payable to P.A.C.E.R. (separate from any other check payments to OHHA.) Please include occupation and employer (company name, self-employed, or retired) for tax reporting purposes.]

Note: Ohio law requires political action committees to report a contributor's, name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual with aggregate contributions in excess of $100 in a calendar year. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and other unincorporated entities may contribute but must include the name of the owner or owners to whom to attribute the contribution. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Ohio taxpayers may claim a state tax credit for contributions made to political campaign committees of candidates for statewide office or the General Assembly. The credit is the lesser of the amount contributed or $50 for an individual return or $100 for a joint return.

Thank You to all current and past P.A.C.E.R. Contributors

On the list that follows, PACER contributors are noted as (PC). Contributors via the Pacer Stallion Auction (PSA), or as an "in kind" donation for a Pacer Stallion Breeding Donation is noted as, (PIK).

2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

2012 Contributors
  • Estate Of Ray Schwartz (PC)
  • Rebecca Ewing (PC)
  • Rebecca L Ewing-Buckner (PC)
  • Bud C Hatfield (PC)
  • Emil J Konesky (PC)
  • Timothy E Lane (PC)
  • Wilbur S Lang (PC)
  • Garry Martin (PC)
  • Doug W Millard (PC)
  • William J Robinson (PC)
  • Richard L Smith (PC)
  • Robert Troyer (PC)
  • Judith Weber (PC)
  • Wayne Whebby (PC)
  • Dennis Zernhel (PC)