The Political Action Committee for Equine Racing (P.A.C.E.R.) is Ohio Horsemen's political contribution fund. PACER supports state and federal candidates and initiatives. The OHHA utilizes the funds from PACER to expand its educational, informational, and legislative voice in support of legislative initiatives that impact Agriculture and Ohio harness racing.
Bidding Rules For Stallions
- Horsemen may bid on an unlimited number of stallions, with a $100 minimum raise.
- All bids are confidential, and bidders are responsible to raise their bids either online or via phone.
- The winning bidder must make a deposit for 10% of the bid, with $100 minimum. Make all checks payable to P.A.C.E.R. [Please provide your occupation and employer (company name, self-employed, retired) for tax reporting purposes.] If deposit is not received at the OHHA office by 9:00 a.m. Friday, January 24, 2025 the credit card that you have on file will be charged the 10% deposit.
- The balance (90%) is due upon the birth of a live foal.
- All contracts are subject to P.A.C.E.R. and farm approval and are not transferable to another mare or individual.
- Failure to present your mare to the stallion without justifiable cause will result in forfeit of entire deposit. • If there is no live foal, the deposit, less $25, will be refunded upon receipt of a veterinarian certificate, or the deposit may be donated to P.A.C.E.R.
- There is no return privilege.
- No ownership change on a mare is permitted until service is paid unless a statement from a licensed veterinarian declaring the mare not in foal is provided to P.A.C.E.R.
Anyone can participate in the auction! That's one of the benefits of online bidding. Anyone can bid once it opens online!
Note: The auction is for the stallion service only, any and all other costs and expenses associated with the stallion service are the responsibility of the winning bidder.